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Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel

OSEP publications offer expertise and insights from a range of perspectives designed to spur thoughtful discussion. These publications include evidence-based consensus study reports of committees of experts; presentations from OSEP members and other experts; and OSEP Perspectives offered by individual experts.

Publications by the Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel (listed by most recent release)

Viewing  11 - 20 of  33

The Use of Multi-State Life Tables in Estimating Places for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists: A Technical Paper  (1997)

The Path to the Ph.D.: Measuring Graduate Attrition in the Sciences and Humanities  (1996)

Consensus Study Report

The National Scholars Program - SUMMARY: Excellence with Diversity for the Future  (1996)

Research Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change  (1995)

Summary Report 1993: Doctorate Recipients from United States Universities  (1995)

Policies, Practices, and Procedures  (2000)

Minority Science Paths: National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellows of 1979-1981  (1995)

Humanities Doctorates in the United States: 1991 Profile  (1994)

Women Scientists and Engineers Employed in Industry: Why So Few?  (1994)


Meeting the Nation's Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists  (1994)